Donning System: The Mark XLV, along with all the other newly built Mark suits, uses a more advanced technology that was based off on the Mark VII's technology, which is able to wrap itself around Tony's body, without the aid of robotic arms or any external mechanisms.A.I./ O.S.'s matrix was integrated into the Vision. OS: FRIDAY was integrated into the armor, as J.A.R.V.I.S.

The armor is composed of chromed gold titanium plates which not only gives it a very shiny and reflective appearance, but also makes it more durable. The helmet design is similar to the MK XLIII but is more compact and has larger indentations at the top, and the cheek indentations are darker. The Mark XLV has a unique new design, one that is different than any of its predecessors: the hexagonal-shaped indent around the circular Chest RT.